SANDY: Devastation, Document, Drive
The New York Photo Festival is proud yet humbled to present SANDY: Devastation, Document, Drive, a vast visual document of Superstorm Sandy created by photographers of all backgrounds–from career photojournalists to judiciously situated cell phone owners and ardent Instagrammers. Also included are similar scenes repeating ever more frequently across the globe. Witnessing the damage—and the drive to rebuild—got us thinking: is global warming killing us softly, or are we more aware of it with the expanding arsenal of tools and active witnesses?
All of the photographs in this diverse show were submitted as part of an open call and serve as a visual record of what we saw firsthand just three short months ago, and how similarly we mourn and regroup, in the northeast, in the U.S., in just about every place natural disasters occur, regularly or once a century. Many on the East Coast are still rebuilding, are still without homes and businesses, and still need your help.
We hope that you take the time to ponder these photographs and what they mean to those affected by the storm. It is our goal to make sure these devastating visuals and inspiring depictions of lending hands, first responders, and those who have given aid remain at the forefront of the public consciousness.

Photographs included in the exhibition are viewable in a slideshow on our website and in a printed exhibition at The POWERHOUSE Arena from February 4, 2013 to March 1, 2013.
Exhibition dates: February 4 – March 1 (click here for hours)
Reception: Wednesday, February 13, 7-9PM
At the reception, attendees will be able to remove photographs from the Arena walls for a suggested donation of $5 per photograph.
Proceeds will benefit artists receiving funds through the New York Foundation for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund.
Many thanks to all of the photographers included in the exhibition:
Joe Abate, Farras Abdelnour, Brian Ach, Jack Adam, Raymond Adams, Tanya Ahmed, Rachel Alban, Lara Alcantara, Selina Alko, Walker Angell, Cassandra Aquart, Shameel Arafin, Bryan Archbold, Navid Baraty, Anne Bassen, Michelle Bates, Yannis Behrakis, Jeta Bejtullahu, Quinn Berkman, Devika Bilimoria, Lemia Bodden, Britannie Bond, Elizabeth Borda, Nancy Borowick, Barbara Brady, Eric Brewer Immel, Talisman Brolin, Lynne R. Cashman, Marco Catini, Leigh Celent, Giles Clarke Clarke, Rene Clement, Caterina Clerici, Evan Morris Cohen, Sherie Cordaz, Molly Craycroft, Robyn Day, Carole Debeer, Lauren DeCicca, Janis Deinats, Robert DeRosa, Damien Derouene, Jia Han Dong, Julien Dony, Caroline Dorn, Yi Du, Sophie Ehrmann, Yosra El-Essawy, Chris Farling, Max Flatow, Sarah Flores, Bahram Foroughi, Stephanie Fray, Yoav Friedlander, Katie Friedman, Julio Gamboa, Micah Garen, Keith Getter, Jill Gewirtz, Cassandra Giraldo, Michael Glenn, Danielle Goldstein, Natalie Rae Good, Marzena Grabczynska, Colin Gray, Zachary Green, Andrew Grob, George Grubb, Rachel Guardiola, Donna Guerreros, Brad Hamilton, Richard Hatter, Cody Healey-Conelly, Dave Hebb, Katja Heinemann, Lauren Hermele, Milo Hess, Andrew Hinderaker, Jane Hoffer, Kieran Hughes, Chuck Ignarski Jr., Tomota Ikawa, Katherine Jackson, Stephanie Keith, Linda Kessler, Tim Klimowicz, Tim Knox, Mark Krajnak, Yoojin Lee, Jason Lee, Randy LeMoine, Adam Lerner, Rebecca Letz, Stephen Levine, Josh Levine, Bruce Levy, Annie Ling, Jing Liu, Syd London, Anita M, Rose Magno, Mark Makela, Rebecca Marks, Anne Massoni, Danielle Mastrion, Judy Mauer, Sarah Mayo, Barbara McLean, Dominika Michalowska, Robin Michals, Luke Midgley, C. Bay Milin, Francis Minien, Carolyn Monastra, Marielle Mondon, Chris Monroe, Katie Moore, Amber Morahan, Lindsay Morris, Noam Moskowitz, Martin Nachsin, Marie Nachsin, Paola Núñez Solorio, Miki Noam-Alon, Clancy Nolan, Drew Oberholtzer, Ivan Olita, Mari Oshima, Francois Pesant, E. Price, Gail Victoria Braddock Quagliata, Andrew Quilty, Josh Raab, Larry Racioppo, Jeremy Raffer, Natia Rekhviashvili, Romina Ressia, Matthew Richter, Roy Rochlin, Stephanie Rosario, Jennifer Roux, Russ Rowland, Niv Rozenberg, Melissa Rubin, David Scelfo, Peter Schafer, Frank Schramm, Cory Schwartz, Stephanie Segura, Shulamit Seidler-Feller, Joanna Seow, Konstantin Sergeyev, Sean Shapiro, Stephen F Sherman, Sterne Slaven, David Maurice Smith, Deanne Sokolin, Tim Soter, Vincent Soyez, Steve Spak, Ingrid Spangler, Evan Spring, Gaia Squarci, Tom Starkweather, Conrad Stojak, Amy Sunners Flatow, Camila Svenson, Jennifer Swanson, Joseph Talman, Alejandro Taquechel, Daniel Tepper, Yosuke Terada, Bogdan Tiflinsky, Andrew Todd, Tomasz Trzeciak, Lorena Turner, Jon Vachon, Suchitra Van, Danielle Van Der Schans, Shimme Vegan, Stephen Voss, Dan Wagner, Adam Waltner, Andreea Waters, Elke Weesjes, Allison Wermager, AJ Wilhelm, Donna Wilson, Michael Winfrey, Jesse Winter, Scott Witt, Mathieu Young, Mona Zubair
AdoramaPix has generously printed the exhibition’s over 1000 photographs, which “flood” The POWERHOUSE Arena walls. In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, The POWERHOUSE Arena suffered damage caused by 28” of water that entered our space and shattered our doors during the surge. It is our goal to replicate this flood line by displaying a 28” swatch of photographs depicting Sandy and the rebirth after the storm.

New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, summed it up best when he said, “Anyone who thinks that there is not a dramatic change in weather patterns is denying reality.”
Large devastating storms like Sandy generate non-stop news coverage in the hours, days, and weeks after the initial tragedy. Too often, as the story begins to fade, so does the awareness about those still in need. While those in the areas deeply affected by Sandy are still rebuilding––and will be for quite some time––it is our goal to make sure the devastating visuals from the storm remain at the forefront of the public consciousness.